Tahulla Setsena

12806226_190999441271520_3364426114532504079_nTahulla Setsena can come in like a calm summer breeze or a rolling ball of energetic thunder. Tahulla is more then your average Nerd.  You never know what she is up to next since she is blogger, commentator, podcaster, public figure, gamer, and advocate for nerd/geek culture. She is often found traveling and exploring various types of cultures, history, and new age tech. As an anime enthusiast and avid movie goer, she brings a lot to the table at Attack of the Blerds. Working the the Midwest & East Coast Chapter; her background in fine arts, music, engineering, and women expression makes her honored to be at part of the Blerd community.

22829145_727484047431219_1242562564120910294_oTahulla is the Main Blog Writer, Convention Interviewer/Host, and Marketer for AOTB. She also does a lot of the video editing, and website maintenance as needed. She is an experienced web developer, and graphic designer. Her education is in Visual Communications, and Business Development. She is currently transitioning from being an owner of a Graphic/ Web Design & Advertising Company to creating a Multicultural Dance Studio.

Also, she is Native American from the Midwest, and plans on exploring more of her ethnic background over time. You can connect with her via Facebook, Instagram, and Attack of the Blerds. Email: attackoftheblerds@gmail.com

See more Bios from the Crew on our About Us Page. Up Next is: Barbaric Nerd